Residences with continuous assistance: reasserting the value of a critical mission

Residences with continuous assistance: reasserting the value of a critical mission

Educators in residences with continuous assistance (RACs) have expert knowledge that can work wonders in helping service users adjust and cope in their rehabilitation process. Unfortunately, that expertise is still seriously undervalued and misunderstood. The following video highlights the roles played by these dedicated workers and the day-to-day realities of a system disconnected from the actual needs on the ground.

Solutions nonetheless do exist, and the APTS has staunchly urged political decision-makers to implement them. Starting this fall, a subcommittee of the advisory committee on rehabilitation centres for clients with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders (CRDITSA) will examine the problems specific to these residential units.

In addition, all APTS members working with clientele who have intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders or physical disabilities will be consulted in a survey this fall. The survey will help paint an accurate portrait of their working conditions and the context for practising their profession, and the results will determine the thrust of a targeted action plan to improve these conditions and ensure high-quality services.

Several upcoming BlueAPTS articles will report on this work as it progresses.

By Leïla Asselman | July 7, 2021