CNESST vs. disability insurance claims

CNESST vs. disability insurance claims

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the APTS has noticed that physical and mental health problems are on the rise among our members. Unfortunately, people often forget that if their injury or illness is directly attributable to their work, they should submit a claim to the CNESST (Labour standards, pay equity and occupational health and safety commission).

For example, lab workers often develop musculoskeletal disorders, such as tendinitis, bursitis, tennis elbow and other conditions, which should be reported as employment injuries to the CNESST.

You have the possibility of proving that your work environment is making you sick. You and your colleagues are better off having your health issues recognized as industrial accidents or occupational diseases rather than applying for disability insurance, especially since your insurance plan doesn’t fully cover the after-effects of COVID-19.

But before you file a CNESST claim, it’s important to take the time to write down key information about your case. To stack the odds in your favour, make sure your claim is based on one or several facts or events. Here are a few examples:

  • Are you and your co-workers rotating workstations less frequently?
  • Have there been absences (due to co-workers taking sick leave or retiring) or insufficient training in certain sectors as a result of increased staffing needs? Has this put added pressure on you to boost your performance or see more clients?
  • Are you under pressure to do more overtime than before and/or cut your break time or meal time?
  • Does your workstation have a poor ergonomic setup?
  • Has any change in your equipment, work techniques or analysis techniques resulted in a health problem that you didn’t have before?
  • Are you being forced to work at a faster and more intensive pace?
  • Do you have to do frequent repetitive movements?

Since this list isn’t exhaustive, the APTS recommends that you contact your union counsellor to discuss your case and get advice on how to prepare and fill out your CNESST claim.

Written by Isabelle Bourret | November 26, 2020