Lower group insurance premiums for 2020
We conducted an extensive consultation process in 2018 to sound out our members on the coverage offered under the group insurance plan. More than 8,600 members took part in our survey. Not surprisingly, the high cost of insurance premiums was the main issue raised during this consultation process. However, a majority of participants said they were satisfied with the coverage offered under the plan. Based on these results, to find the best rate for our group insurance plan, the APTS issued a call for bids in January 2019 to four insurance companies headquartered in Québec— Desjardins, Industrielle Alliance, La Capitale and SSQ Insurance, in accordance with the national provisions of the collective agreement. All four insurers submitted bids.
On June 12 and 13, following a presentation outlining the best offers, the General Council delegation chose SSQ Insurance as the administrator of our group insurance plan, mainly because it offered the lowest rates.
Changes introduced to the insurance plan
At the same meeting, the delegation also decided to make changes to two aspects of the insurance plan to further reflect members’ needs. First, starting January 1, 2020, travel insurance with travel assistance services and trip cancellation will be offered under the basic plan.
Second, the date to renew the group insurance rates will change in 2021: the new rates will apply as of April 1 of each year instead of January 1. This new date should not be confused with the start date for calculating annual claims reimbursements, which remains January 1. For example, under the intermediate plan, the maximum reimbursement of $500 for care provided by a psychologist is calculated from January 1 to December 31 of each year.
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Reminder: If you want to add dental coverage or raise your health insurance coverage to the intermediate or superior plan, you have to make a request to your employer before January 1 in order for this change to take effect on that date.
NOTE: In order to estimate the cost of your insurance, you can use the APTS Insurance Premium Calculator.