A humane healthcare system more attuned to people’s needs

In his inaugural address, Premier Legault alluded to the “demoralizing” effect that successive reforms, budget instability, rigid management and cumbersome administrative practices have had on health and social services personnel. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the first time a politician has acknowledged this.

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Combatting prejudice as a way to fight poverty

Since 2013, the APTS has actively supported the Christmas card campaign initiated by the anti-poverty collective, Collectif pour un Québec sans pauvreté. This December, we urge you to participate, not in a food drive, but in an awareness campaign to break down misconceptions and prejudice that undermine the lives of people living in poverty.

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New group insurance rates in 2019

At the November General Council (November 13-14-15), the delegation adopted the new rates applicable on January 1, 2019 for the various group insurance plans. Our group’s better claims history last year, compared to the previous year, in large part explains these new rates. There were fewer claims than expected and the premiums were sufficient to cover them.

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