Portrait de professionnelle en réadaptation visuelle

AmĂ©lie Desnoyers est spĂ©cialiste en rĂ©adaptation en dĂ©ficience visuelle Ă  l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille, un travail qui rĂ©pond Ă  son dĂ©sir d’aider, d’apprendre et d’enseigner, en lui permettant tout Ă  la fois de collaborer avec des collĂšgues d’autres disciplines et d’ĂȘtre autonome. Rencontre avec une jeune −et fiĂšre – professionnelle.

ENVIE D’EN SAVOIR PLUS? Lisez l’entrevue que nous a accordĂ©e AmĂ©lie Desnoyers.

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NĂ©go : mobilisation remarquable dans les Laurentides

Les membres de l’APTS se mobilisent en grand nombre pour soutenir leur comitĂ© de nĂ©gociation, comme nous l’expliquent Benoit Audet et Chantal Ouellette.

Les nĂ©gociations locales sont une des consĂ©quences de la fusion massive des Ă©tablissements du rĂ©seau, qui a entraĂźnĂ© une modification des unitĂ©s de nĂ©gociation dans tout le rĂ©seau. Les dispositions dĂ©coulant de cette ronde de nĂ©gociation Ă©tabliront les bases de l’organisation du travail pour plusieurs annĂ©es Ă  venir, d’oĂč l’importance de bien les concevoir dans l’intĂ©rĂȘt de tous, y compris celui des usager·Úre·s.

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Le Virage rehab centre

Three years after being integrated into amalgamated mega-institutions, how are the CRD addiction rehab centres doing? Is the smallest mission in the healthcare system managing to keep its identity? Have there been changes in professionals’ and technicians’ practice?

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Are compulsory union dues in jeopardy?

In ruling that compulsory union dues violate the Constitution, the United States Supreme Court handed down a decision that considerably reduces the influence of American public-sector unions. Are Canadian unions protected from that kind of setback?

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Local bargaining: where are we at?

At the time this article was written, the legally-set deadline for negotiating the local provisions of our collective agreement had passed in 16 of the 19 new APTS union certifications. Here’s an overview of the results so far in talks with employers in the health and social services sector and the prescribed steps for these talks.

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The APTS makes its mark

Welcome to BlueAPTS, our new e-zine succeeding The APTS Review. The 30-page printed magazine you received twice a year in the mail is now a thing of the past. The rapid pace of events, the delays involved in printing and mailing the magazine, and certain environmental considerations (such as the volume of ink and paper needed to reach the 55,000 employees we represent) led us to conclude that a printed magazine was no longer viable, given our commitment to sustainable development.

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CHSLD nursing homes before the courts

If a class action suit is given the go-ahead, integrated health and social service centres will have to defend themselves in court for exposing nursing home residents to deteriorating conditions and a form of maltreatment resulting from personnel’s work overload and exhaustion.

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Keep up the pressure on tax haven profiteers

People’s indignation about corporations and individuals who avoid paying taxes reached an all-time high in recent years with the Panama Papers and Bahamas Leaks scandals. What should be the new government’s plan for establishing genuine fiscal justice in QuĂ©bec?

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